If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
— Milton Berle,
I've been working on a variety of projects over the years. For smaller projects check out my GitHub.
Custom Artificial Intelligence & Computer Vision solutions to solve real life problems.
Independent nvidia jetson documentation.
Apparel inspired by the artistic aspect of nature, mathematics and science.
Discussing the overlap between artifical intelligence and philosophy.
Il Codice Creativo
Incontro di orientamento per ragazzi delle scuole medie.
Nell'Occhio Dell'Algoritmo
L'era digitale è governata da algoritmi che osservano, apprendono e influenzano le nostre scelte.
Optimizing human labor by shifting automatable jobs to robots and AI.
Live video analysis software for surveillance and monitoring applications, built for NVIDIA Jetson devices.
Sailing team of 'Moulin Rouge', a 6 meters sailboat. We partecipated in regattas and learned from the best sailors in the lake of Como, Italy.
Online collection of photoshop assets, such brushes, textures, patterns and more.